About Me

    My name is Beth (well, Bethany to be exact, but I almost always go by Beth). I grew up out in the country on a small family farm (tractors, combines, barns, chickens, pigs, cows, donkeys, horses, sheep, endless number of cats, dogs, the whole nine yards). I have 3 younger sisters (Kelly, Kara and Megan) and a lot (no...most) of family that lived within a 20 mile radius of where I did. We were all very close growing up. Not a week would go by where I didn't see or play with one of my cousins.

    I went to a private Catholic high school (complete with uniforms). I was a typical "dork." I played the flute in band, everyone would see me walking around with a camera, as I was the photographer for the school newspaper and yearbook. I had some really close, awesome friends in high school. It's a shame that we all went our separate ways and hardly ever get to see each other. I really miss some of the friendships I made. There are days I wish I could have a "do-over" of high school, I really feel there are things I would do differently.

    After high school, I started my college career and went to nursing school. After a transfer from St. Louis University to Chamberlain (formerly Deaconess) and almost 5 years later, I have my Bachelors of Science in Nursing degree. Nursing school is hard, there is no other way to put it. Especially if you have a boyfriend/job/social life. I am glad to be done, but I have every intention of going to get my master's degree. More than likely, I will get my masters in health education, to teach future generations of nurses. This probably will not happen until my girls are in school. I have worked as a Registered Nurse in both pediatrics and maternity. I really couldn't pick a favorite between the two areas. I think I like them equally the same.

    I met Tom in the spring of 2003 at a dance, when he was dating "that other girl." I remember thinking, "Man, he's tall... and kinda cute." He was friends with my sister's boyfriend. One night, about 2-3 months later, I went with my sister to a party, where he was again. Tall and slender, that's for sure, but this time, (he was single) I remember thinking that maybe I did like him a little. Being 5'10" myself, I loved that he was tall (a lot taller than me, 6'8" to be exact). He was funny, he was showing off his contraption of a zip tie belt, as his original belt had broke. He had nice hands, I like strong hands. We went on a group date to see a movie where he asked for my number. About a month and a few dates later, he officially asked me out at a mud bog (it is a big mud pit for trucks to drive through, for those who don't know what it is). The rest is pretty much history. It was Christmas Eve 2006 when he popped the question. We got married on April 12, 2008. It was a pretty chilly day, the cooler weather was the only thing that wasn't perfect for that day. You couldn't wipe the smile off of my face!
April 12, 2008
    That December, we bought our house where we currently live. It's a quaint little 2 bedroom, 1 bath house. Home ownership is hard. There are just so many little things to do/maintain that I really have never thought about. Gosh, we just spent over $200 sealing our driveway, I couldn't believe it would cost that much! The couple that lived here before us were definitely into gardening/landscaping. Me, hmmmm, not so much. It has been a process figuring out what to keep, what's easy to maintain, and what to get rid of. It was RIDICULOUS trying to mow the grass when we first moved, it was a maze! We're slowly getting there with the yard. We've been trimming and pruning like crazy. We've been laying weed barrier and landscaping rock, and it's beginning to look a little less jungle like around here, but there is still quite a bit I would like to finish up. I'm just glad there was literally nothing that needed to be done to the inside of the house. Except for painting one bedroom, everything was pretty well maintained.

    Now that I had the husband and the house, next on the list would be baby. I knew it might be pretty difficult for us, because I had issues with my ovaries. I was put on medications, and to our surprise, we found out we were pregnant in March of 2009. We were so happy! We went in on May 2, I was 9 weeks along. They couldn't find a heartbeat. The baby died. We were devastated. Most people don't like to talk about things like this. I really don't like to bring it up either, but it helped to shape me for who I am. We had to wait until August to try again (to let my body heal). To our amazement, I got pregnant again in August! I prayed so hard, I feel those prayers had some bearing on it. Tom and I were committed this time to not telling anyone until we got out of the first trimester (12 weeks). Since I worked at the hospital with my doctor, I convinced him to do a quick ultrasound at my first visit with him (6 weeks). We saw the little blob and the little flutter of the heartbeat! Absolutely amazing is all I can say about that first peek at our little one! My doctor wanted me to come back around 8 or 9 weeks to get a more in depth ultrasound. This time, I again was nervous. It was a big milestone for me to get past the ninth week. As soon as she put the transducer on my stomach, I gasped and yelled, "Oh my God!" The ultrasound tech let out a little "heh" too. I'm sure Tom had a moment of his stomach turning. Because I worked on a OB floor, I kinda knew a little of what I was looking at. There were TWO BLOBS! The ultrasound tech said,  "It's twins!" Tom thought it was a joke. Everyone always joked we were going to have twins, because I have younger twin sisters. Tom began to laugh. I sat there in silence. I was in shock, there was no other way to put it. I actually think my jaw was hanging open. Everything in the ultrasound looked great...times two. We left there, Tom couldn't stop laughing, I was sitting there quiet, still in shock.

    The first half of my pregnancy went well. Morning sickness was there, but not intolerable. Besides a bout of dehydration in December, all went well. It was around this time we found out we were having girls also! Tom and I both thought for sure there was at least one boy in there, but nope! By the time January hit, the 12 hour shifts I was working were getting rough...very rough. If any of you are nurses, you know that it's pretty much impossible to drink the amount of water you're supposed to, much less sit down and rest. I was beginning to get some swelling, higher blood pressures and cramping. My doc decided to take me out on modified bed rest at 28 weeks. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that this is the only way I was able to carry these girls to 38 weeks. Tessa Rose Ervin was born April 14th, 2010 at 10:36am. She weighed 6lbs even and was 20 inches long. Her sister Avery Catherine Ervin followed 11 minutes later at 10:47am and weighed 6lbs 3oz and was 19 inches long. For those that are interested, you can read my birth story here.

    Every one who says the first month to six weeks are a blur is right, without a doubt. It was rough. Not only was it an adjustment having not just one, but TWO newborns and the sleepless nights, but I was having problems myself with breastfeeding and milk production. I also had a post-partum hemorrhage when the girls were 9 days old that almost required a blood transfusion. I was very lucky to have my girls start sleeping in 6 hour stretches by 6 weeks old. I think they knew their mommy was stressed enough. My 8 weeks old, they were consistently sleeping from 10pm to 6am. They have been growing like weeds, and at times, I wish they would stay small forever, but yet, I can't wait to see them grow up and become their own little people!

    That is my life in a nutshell.